
About this blog 

I created this blog to write about women issues and particularly about entrepreneurship 
and women in business.
It is very easy to find research and topics about gender equality or domestic violence. 
It is more difficult to hear or to see female entrepreneurs in the media. 
No more than  30% women are entrepreneurs in France and in UK.
This blog is mainly about women and business but I strongly support other women issues,
 for example domestic violence, 
glass ceiling or equality and diversity.
I think there is not enough research about female entrepreneurs.
 I would like share my view on this topic.

How does it work 

You will find articles, events and news in French and English languages.
 Articles will be about entrepreneurship, finance, real estate and mentoring.
 Not enough women are on boards of big companies in the World. 
It is very rare to see a woman as a head of an economic institution. 
Training and mentoring are very important. 
Solidarity is another chance to see women at a high level of the society.

How can I help

My wish is to help women achieve their goals.
 Some of them would like a better job, or set up a business. 
Some of them told me it is difficult to attend a seminar in particular
 if it is an evening seminar.
 Most of them have children and have domestic duties.
That is why I created a special membership for women only. 
You can have more information and advice about your future career,
 your professional development and entrepreneurship.
 It is an online service.
Each women will receive advice and support during one year. 
No need to attend a seminar far from your home. 
So you have no excuse to tell me I do not have enough money and time 
to attend a training event.
Everything is online thanks to technology : skype, chat, google Talk, telephone and email. 
It is only 75GBP per year.
To have more detail about this, please have a look at the membership page of this blog.

This blog is a service by Branchcorp Uk Limited.
 I founded this company in 2009 to help people in their personal and professional 
 My mission is to help you reach a better life.
 I also wanted to build a business and have new challenges.
If you would like to keep in touch please feel free to email me
 or contact me  by the contact page of this blog.


Follow Branchcorp on twitter: http://twitter.com/branchcorpltd/


Le blog ‘Women leaders’ est un service assuré par Branchcorp une société de conseil et de formation qui est située à Londres et dont la Présidente- fondatrice est Line Boisdur-Salbris. Les services de cette société sont variés et ils sont assurés en français et/ou en anglais. Il a été décidé de fournir un service adapté aux femmes de tout horizon afin de les aider dans leur vie professionnelle et privée.

 En France 30% des femmes créent leur entreprise. Elles sont peu nombreuses dans la vie politique et dans les conseils d’administration des grandes entreprises. C’est pourquoi à travers ce blog nous espérons soutenir les femmes et les accompagner dans leur projet et en particulier celles qui souhaitent se mettre à leur compte.

Ce blog contiendra des articles, de la formation et des informations utiles pour la vie professionnelle et personnelle. Il se veut un véritable lieu de ressource afin de permettre aux femmes de se former tout au long de la vie.

Notre mission est de vous aider à accomplir votre but dans la vie et à vous permettre de recevoir une formation qui peut vous permettre de progresser dans votre carrière.
C’est pour quoi ce blog va se concentrer sur 3 aspects :
 le coaching et le mentoring
– l’aide et l’accompagnement à la création d’entreprise
– la formation sur les questions financières

Vous pouvez suivre Branchcorp sur twitter sur http://twitter.com/branchcorpltd/

Pour se tenir au courant de l’actualité de Branchcorp UK Limited et de ces autres services, consultez http://branchcorp-news.blogspot.com/


2 thoughts on “About

  1. Update about this blog
    March is Women’s History Month so it’s time to reactivate this blog.
    Please be patient….!
    We are going to review this blog and add new articles in the coming weeks.
    So see you can then!

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