
Women in business

In ‘Management Today` you can read a profile of the 35 best female entrepreneur in United Kingdom who are under 35 years old. This year is the 10th anniversary of this list. I am so glad to see so much talented women it is difficult to choose a winner. This month all the sectors are represented: advertising, fashion, beauty, music, PR and financial services. More details at

Women in leadership

Are you running your own business? Are you a director in the private/public sector? Do you need more help in your job? Do you want more help for your personal and professional development?

Branchcorp contributes to develop professional and leadership potential  for women in the economic, civil and political life.

Thanks to our mentoring program we can help you in your career. Become the next women leaders!

For more information, please contact us on

women in leadership

J’ai crée ce blog  dédié aux femmes cadres, dirigeantes et chefs d’entreprises afin de voir plus de femmes à des postes à responsabilités dans la vie économique. A travers ma société et avec mes collaborateurs ; nous avons mis en place un programme de coaching et de formation pour le leadership au feminin.

Ce blog se veut un vecteur de conseil et de formation et d’information pour toutes. J’espère aussi toucher les entrepreneuses de 25-35 ans.

Les femmes ont plus l’habitude que les hommes de suivre des cours de formation et pourtant il subsiste de fortes disparités en matière d’égalité professionnelle et salariale.

Le leadership au feminin :

–         c’est l’accompagnement personnel pour promouvoir l’accès des femmes à des postes à responsabilités,

–         c’est développer le potentiel  des femmes,

–         c’est des conseils pour mieux concilier vie familiale et vie professionnelle,

–         c’est un coaching spécifique aux femmes dirigeantes et entrepreneuses

Pendant très longtemps les entreprises niaient la question du « plafond de verre » qui freine et qui empêche les femmes d’accéder à des postes de haut niveau.

Le coaching, le mentoring et les réseaux féminins sont des outils de promotion des femmes

About women leaders

I created this blog in order to help women move up in their career. Branchcorp Uk ltd has a special programme in leadership for women thanks to coaching and mentoring.

If we want more women leaders it is important to identify high potential individuals and accelerate their development.

According to a special report from DDI’S global leadership forecast 2008/2009: Holding women back “recognize performance equally, research continues to show that women need to perform significantly better than their male counterparts to be seen as equally competent’


The board of most Uk companies have very few women on them

According to the Government equalities office about the gender pay gap ‘even a woman with the same work history and education and working in the same type of organisation and occupation as the average man would still be likely to be paid significantly less’

To help women  thanks to coaching and mentoring.

In this blog you will find our next formation. It is possible to have an individual coaching.

But each group coaching is for 20 participants only.

Please contact us on  to have more details in French or in English

I am involved in  The Chartered  Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), Business and Professional Women; Amnesty International women’s action network

We always welcome feedback on how to improve ours services. If you have any feedback about any aspect of our services please contact us on